Turn Your Customers Into a Force of Motivated, Passionate Sales People.

Imagine having your top customers consistently doing your selling for you. Having new customers flooding through your doors without advertising to them. Picture someone who can’t stop spreading the word about you and your business. They have to tell the story about you where ever they go. They tell people at work, strangers in conversation, their friends and family. They RAVE about the experience they had with your business. Consider how much you spend on advertising to get a customer in the door. Now consider how much you will save if each one of those customers RAVE about your business to 5 people they know.

By Attending You Will Learn These Priceless Techniques:

  • Why customer satisfaction is not enough
  • Customer ladder of loyalty
  • How to keep your customers returning with more and more money each time
  • How to delight a customer
  • And more…

Event Details

Thursday, July 14th, 2011 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Located at United Way of Central Iowa Building (1111 Ninth Street) 1111 Ninth Street (Room F)

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