All good (and bad) things must come to an end – including 2018. As the leaves begin to change, it may serve as a reality check that there are less than 90 days left in the year. For those who are on track for meeting their annual goals, this last quarter may be met with excitement and positivity. For others, this time of year can bring upon anxiety and overwhelm due to mistakes and missed benchmarks.

With the holiday season soon approaching, it is tempting to glide through Q4 accepting the outcome that was achieved in quarters 1, 2, and 3. However, a strong finish to quarter 4 can not only improve your annual 2018 results but also give your team the morale push they need to start 2019 with momentum.

Doing Your Best Today Puts You In The Best Position For Tomorrow.

Your future success is not left up to fate – it is determined by your thoughts and actions. While an increase in effort might not make much of a difference to 2018’s bottom line, going through the motions and picking up the effort this quarter conditions and energizes your employees to start strong in 2019. A strong first quarter performance supports a positive outlook for the rest of the year.

What Are You Choosing To Accomplish By The End Of This Year? Here Are Five Encouragements To Help You Finish The Year Strong:

1. Decide in advance your non-negotiables

Agree upon a set of goals, projects or tasks that are, in essence, the very least of what you expect to get done before the end of the year. Reiterate your expectations with the rest of your team and instill in them a sense of urgency to complete their assignments before the quarter ends.

2. Many small wins add up to big results

Don’t underestimate the power of small wins. Everyday progress will bring you closer and closer to your end goal. You may be familiar with THE PROGRESS PRINCIPLE, where making progress in meaningful work can boost emotions, motivation and perceptions during a workday. And, the more frequently people experience a sense of progress, the more likely they are to be creatively productive in the long run. Even a small win can make the difference in how your team feels and performs.

3. Never lose sight of the big picture

It’s all too easy to get lost in the details and ignore the big picture. Amidst the day-to-day chaos and year-end rush, don’t forget to take some time to reflect on the long-term goals you have for yourself and your business. The bigger picture helps you to keep your final destination in sight. Let where you want to go guide the actions you take to get you there.

4. Be willing to fight for it

What’s stopping you from success? Work at identifying where your business falls short and be prepared to make some major changes. It often helps to work with a BUSINESS COACH, or someone who is a third-party outside of your business, to identify key changes needed to improve your organization. A business coach can also help teach you business lessons that you don’t want to learn the hard way. Change is never easy, and while at times it feels like an uphill battle, success owners and executives know that the fight is worth it.

5. Prepare in advance for difficult moments

Plummeting sales. PR disasters. Piling debts. Lawsuits. Layoffs. These are just a few of the many tough situations that many business owners and executives might face. And while you may have avoided these fires this year, there is no telling what 2019 will bring. If you haven’t already, take a moment to prepare for hard times ahead by identifying key risks and challenges that your business may face and create a strategy of how your business will navigate through the tough times.

The best way to predict the future is to invent it. Take it upon yourself and your team to work smarter and harder for the rest of the quarter to finish strong and set yourself up for a better 2019. Decide, commit and finish strong!

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