As CEO’s and Executives, we often must make decisions that will determine the future of our company. It is essential that we think big when it comes to these decisions, to ensure the success of our business. By thinking big, we mean thinking abundantly. We need to identify where we can pull vast wealth out of places where it looked like there was nothing, to grow our businesses. However, we can only succeed if we have the right mindset. We need to believe in our plan and believe that we can achieve success. Otherwise, we will not get very far. Therefore, it is essential that we think big when making decisions for our company, to ensure its success.

We know that it takes a lot of dedication and hard work to be successful. But sometimes, we need to think beyond what we are currently doing to achieve exponential growth. We need to believe in the magic of adding zeros and have faith that such growth is possible.

Introducing five disciplines that provide a system for creating exponential growth and an engaged workplace. These disciplines are the discipline of strategy leads to sustainability, the discipline of business development which leads to predictability; the discipline of people which leads to stability; the discipline of execution which leads to consistency, and the discipline of mission leads to emotional connection.

If we want to be successful, we need to start thinking big and outside of the box. Only then can we create the magic that leads to success.

When these five disciplines are in place, it looks as if you’ve created magic. But not before you’ve got an abundance mindset and you’ve done the hard work.

The biggest part of the change and constant improvement is thinking abundantly.

Many of us grew up believing that there’s only so much to go around, and if someone else gets a big piece of the pie, that means there’s less for us. Most of us learned to base our sense of self-worth on comparisons and competition and to believe that our success results from someone else’s failure.

As a CEO or Executive, it’s important to think big for success. Many of us grew up believing that there’s only so much to go around, and if someone else gets a big piece of the pie, that means there’s less for us. Most of us learned to base our sense of self-worth on comparisons and competition and to believe that our success results from someone else’s failure.

But in order to be successful, it’s important to have an abundance mindset. This means thinking that there is enough success to go around for everyone. When you have this mindset, you’ll be more likely to take risks and try new things – which are essential for any CEO or Executive.

So if you want to be successful, start by thinking big. Abundance mindset + hard work = success. It’s that simple.

Stephen Covey, in his classic The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, called this attitude the Scarcity Mentality. According to him, People with a Scarcity Mentality have a tough time-sharing recognition and credit, power, or profit—even with those who help in the production. They also have a hard time being genuinely happy for the success of other people… The Scarcity Mentality is the zero-sum paradigm of life.

A Scarcity Mentality is a belief that resources are always inadequate. Thinking that we must compete for money, opportunity, or recognition means someone must lose, and the fight is one to make sure the loser is someone else. Living and working like this leads to incredible paranoia, fear, and anxiety. No one trusts anyone else, and everyone is deathly afraid of making any mistake. Under these conditions, teamwork and innovation suffer and growth of any kind is practically impossible.

As much as we’d like to believe that everyone is optimistic, forward-thinking, and generous, we look around and know that’s not true. We know that it’s often possible for a forward-thinking company leader to be surrounded by employees with a Scarcity Mentality.

Think about the people who work with you:

  • Do they tell people how much they value their contributions?
  • Do they see challenges or opportunities?
  • Are they worried that someone is getting more than they are?
  • Are they glass-half-empty or glass-half-full people?
  • Do they acknowledge and appreciate all the positives in their life and work?
  • Do they give more than they receive, and do they provide more than just money?

What do you do to move beyond this kind of thinking?

That’s where the five disciplines come in, especially the discipline of people. Abundance thinking must be developed and nurtured, which means that the company should define the leadership traits required for every position: after all, you want everyone to model them.

If the company wants every employee to have certain traits, it needs to put processes in place that will do that. It needs to develop and nurture talent. This is an essential part of the discipline of people.

You can put these processes in place. But the first move comes from company leadership. The first reaction to new ideas shouldn’t be no, but how can we? That makes all the difference.

As we said, we believe in the magic of adding zeros, and the five disciplines will create a company that is sustainable, predictable, stable, consistent, and emotionally connected – all signs of abundance thinking.

What is the mentality of your current workplace? Is it one of scarcity or abundance? How does this show in your day-to-day interactions?

We hope that after reading this, you’ll be able to identify the scarcity mentality in your workplace and take steps to change it. Company leadership should define the leadership traits required for every position and put resources in place that will develop and nurture talent. This is an essential part of the discipline of people. If we all work together to create a company culture of abundance thinking, we can achieve amazing things. Thank you for reading, please share this with others and contact us to help you implement and execute the right steps for a change!

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