In business, you do not want to be faced with inconsistent products or services. You’re not paying for something on the 50% chance it’ll work. A lot of businesses fail because they can’t promise their customers they’ll always deliver what they say they will. 

That’s why it’s important to implement the Discipline of Execution, which is all about consistency.  

Customers should receive consistent messages no matter whom they interact with. When an organization implements and follows proven processes and routines, the company is consistent in the eyes of customers and co-workers. 

Today’s consumers demand reliability from your company. Consistency provides familiarity. It also assures customers that you have your act together, that you’re in control, and that you’re dependable.

Imagine being the customer of an inconsistent company. Such companies are usually plagued with the following problems:

  • employees don’t know what’s going on and who’s doing what;
  • there’s poor communication;
  • there’s a lack of follow-through;
  • there are unclear processes and expectations;
  • there are no clear goals or measures of success;
  • there’s little to no profit.

Now, consider a company that’s consistent.

  • Your customers will enjoy the same experience as every member of your team;
  • everyone does what they say they’ll do; and
  • your employees take responsibility for their roles and are confident in their abilities. 

Excellent execution depends on developing consistent habits in three critical areas:



Financial Controls

When we find consistency in an organization, we’ll discover that the company has habits that guide its processes, financials, and management. 

Let’s look briefly at the nuts and bolts of these components. 

First, processes. 

Instead of relying on workers alone, businesses need to rely on skilled workers who maximize outcomes by following proven processes. 

  • A process has clearly documented steps. 
  • It has clear expectations of what the results of each step should look like so everyone knows when it’s time to move on to the next step, and what the entire process looks like when it’s complete.  

This creates consistency because people know what’s expected of them every step of the way – and it can be measured. 

Second, is management. 

  • Leadership creates passionate and focused people. 
  • Management oversees processes so the team is competent and productive. 

When processes are in place, there’s something to manage. And while we don’t manage people, we can and should manage their accountability. Proper management balances processes and people, efficiency, and humanity, without jeopardizing any single one. Good management is when managers are proactively helpful to the people they oversee. 

Third, financial controls. 

A company’s financials tell its story. 

Financials include income statements, balance sheets, statements of cash flow, and financial ratios, on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis. 

When you understand those figures, you know where the company has come from and where it’s headed. Every business executive, leader, and manager should be looking at the company’s financial numbers at least every week, if not daily. This provides an accurate picture of a company’s progress toward its financial goals. 

Companies that nail the discipline of execution have perfected what works.

All in all, the Discipline of Execution should be a part of every organization’s recipe for success. Its various components ensure that goals can be achieved consistently and effectively. While processes are important to enforce accountability, it is also essential to not forget about people as they are key to motivation and development – which is what really drives an organization forward. Therefore, it’s important for a business to know exactly when and where processes should take precedence over people and vice versa. To learn more about how you can apply The Discipline of Execution in your business contact us today! Understanding this framework may appear daunting at first, but with the right guidance, you’ll notice positive changes quickly. So don’t hesitate – embrace the Discipline of Execution today – because if we’ve learned anything, it’s that consistent execution leads to brilliant outcomes!

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